Pre-Summer prayer & Fasting

May 19-25

see details below

Prayer Journal

7 Days of Prayer & Fasting

May 19-25


During our Pre-Summer Prayer & Fasting week, we’re focusing on protection for our congreation and families as we head into the Summer months.  The goal of fasting is to draw closer to God. Biblical fasting always has to do with eliminating distractions for a spiritual purpose; it hits the reset button of our soul and renews us from the inside out. It also enables us to celebrate the goodness and mercy of God and prepares our hearts for all the good things God desires to bring into our lives. Remember, your personal fast should present a level of challenge, but it is very important to know your body, your options, and, most importantly, to seek God in prayer and follow what the Holy Spirit leads you to do.






Water Only from Sunrise to Sunset

(Breaking Late Afternoon/ Early Evening)



Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains, Water (No Meat, Sweets, or Sweetened Beverages)



Every Morning (May 20-25)

We will be praying together via conference call every weekday (Mon-Fri) at 6:00am & at 8:00am on Saturday. See the conference call info below:

Call-in Info: (605) 562-0400

Access Code: 5006037

To Join via the web click this link below

Click “Join A Meeting” and use the access code: 50006037

Prayer Targets

We encourage you to put your personal prayer requests before the Lord during this time of prayer. Please download the Prayer Journal to see our prayer targets.